Book Launch

Living Out Loud had its book launch on Friday 17th February 2023 at Better Read Than Dead in Newtown.

Each of the authors read a selected passage from their letters and answered questions to a lively discussion of 43 attendees.

Living Out Loud on display
Each author read from their letters during the book launch
The Rue Berger Writers – Kathryn Kaye Spence, Vicki Geraghty, Ruth Morgan
Kaye signing one of the many copies sold

‘It was Émile Zola who said the writer’s job was to ‘live out loud’ – and this is exactly what Kaye, Ruth, and Vicki’s book does. It is the ‘living out loud’ of their experience of Paris, but more than that, it is the ‘living out loud’ of their lives as women at turning points in their lives, and in particular, the unfolding of their friendships with each other. 

The real richness of the book is the writers’ delight in each other, in the gift of unexpected friendships which budded in Paris and blossomed back in Australia. There are many fine observations of place as well as insights into life and love and independence – and gardening! The reader follows one of the writers, Ruth, as she makes a beautiful French garden in far western NSW. We see as well, Kaye’s dedication to her work and her courage to start a new career as a writer. One of the most appealing aspects to me was the humour, especially Vicki’s sharp eye as she writes about her travels and about the guest house she owns.  

I think what struck me most was that by some creative magic, three very different women managed to create a seamless whole from their letters to each other. Their voices are distinctive, but always part of the combined work.  Their journeys are separate but they connect and cross over and enrich each other’s path. 

Allow me to wish ‘Living Out Loud’ Bon Voyage’ as it sets out into the world of readers.’

Patti Miller, author and memorist