Books that have influenced me and my writing over the years. I find the more I read I gather ideas about stories, plots, and characters.
This is an amazing book about a friendship that develops through correspondence. The background is bibliotherapy and the recommended books throughout sidetracked me as I felt compelled to read them. A fascinating concept.

This is a book for anyone who has a love for words. I was fascinated by the structure and routine of the Scriptorium. Set against a background of the suffrage movement it shows the rise of the voice of women.

At first, I found this book a little weird until I got to know the characters. It is a story about being seen and seeing as it explores the power of observation and concentration. The story is about Marina Abramovic’s exhibition the Artist is Present, entwined with a story of keeping promises. Very interesting plot.

As a lover of books this story shows the resilience needed to preserve the freedom of publishing to enable everyone to have the opportunity to read the books they want. I have a renewed respect for librarians after reading this. I love the way the story transcend two time periods – I have used this in my own writing.