Vicki Geraghty, Ruth Morgan, and Kathryn Kaye Spence

When I went to Paris for a Memoir Writing Workshop in 2019, I did not know it would lead to an interesting friendship with two women. I met Vicki Geraghty and Ruth Morgan in Paris as we shared writing experiences. More importantly, we discovered good wine and fabulous French food as we debriefed at the end of the day in various cafes around the Rue Honoré. We were all accommodated in the Citadines Des Halles in the 1st Arrondissement, and we walked to and from our class in the 6th Arrondissement. This gave us opportunities to explore Paris and feel very Parisian in our adventures.
When we returned to Australia in November 2019, we stayed connected through email exchanges and occasional writing retreats. We called ourselves the Rue Berger Writers, after a street at the back of our hotel in Paris, to enable the connection to be strong. We are currently working on a book together Living Out Loud as we explore each other’s experiences of Paris and life in general through letters written to each other during the pandemic.