Writing Groups Writings

Writing Retreat in Arles

In November 2024 Vicki Geraghty and myself took off for a 10-day writing retreat in Arles, Provence, France. A perfect location. We had a four-story artist’s house in the old section of La Roquette on the Rhone River. We spent hours each day writing and sharing our efforts. We did have a few distractions with French food, museums, and enjoyable walking. We managed to stay focused and we completed our first drafts of our respective books. I would encourage writers of all stages to take the opportunity to go on a retreat to unlock writer’s block and bring back motivation. Arles provided the perfect backdrop for the retreat with so many places to explore. The old Roman ruins are throughout the city and the museums gave us an insight into the treasures found here. We each had our favourite places and we agreed on so many places of interest.

Our writing retreat – a four-story artist’s house in Roquette

The writing retreat

Four-story building with old stone stairs – our regular exercise.

The view from our terrace

Discussing our writing over dinner

Beautiful Arles, so much history, so inspirational.

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